MFM Pastor, Emmanuel Kelani Says Man, Most Of The Time, Is The Cause Of His Own Problems - The State Post


Friday, November 15, 2024

MFM Pastor, Emmanuel Kelani Says Man, Most Of The Time, Is The Cause Of His Own Problems

Many battles confronting man were self inflicted and were often because man was in haste to achieve a desired end, Pst Emmanuel Kelani, the Mega Regional Overseer (MRO) of the Mountain Of Fire And Miracles Ministries, South West Region 1, Abeokuta, has said. 

Speaking today at the maiden edition of "Hour of Prayer", a new program to be held every Friday from 7am to 9am at the Southwest 1 Mega Regional Headquarters at Asero, Abeokuta, Ogun State, the man of God posited that God should not be blamed for many of the battles confronting man.

Quoting from Genesis 16:1-6 to elaborate on the topic 'Self Acquired Battles' Pst. Kelani pointed out that Sarah brought problems into her life and home because she cannot wait on the Lord as Haggai became pregnant on just one touch of sin. 

"In this passage, who should be blammed?" Pastor Kelani asked rhetorically.

He insisted that "whatever God has promised as long as man is faithful, He will do it"

Pastor Kelani said God works His Wonders on these conditions;
✓ You must obey 
✓ You must be faithful, adding that many are hastier than God!

The man of God also noted that Adam and Eve in Genesis 3   inflicted eternal damnation on mankind by failing to wait on God as they were in haste to get wisdom.

Pastor Kelani admonished that any wisdom that is not from God will end in and lead to destruction.

Citing other instances from the Bible, the Mega Regional Overseer (MRO)noted that Samson who ended up on the laps of Delilah and Gehazi who because of covetousness was cursed by Elijah brought battles upon themselves.

Pastor Kelani advised that we must be careful and be wary of the battle we brought upon ourselves noting that "if you are the source of your battle, you must go back to 2 kings 2 where even the man of God had to go back to the source of the water.

"In Psalm 51, David admitted he was the cause of his own battles unlike Adam when God asked; have you eaten from the fruit I commanded thee not to eat? He began to blame God, it is the woman you gave me!
We need to stop complaining", Pastor Kelani said.

He added that these battles came because: 
✓We are disobedient 
✓We are hastier than God 
✓Our attitude is another factor 
✓The type Of friends we keep 
✓Going to wrong places for solution.

Summing it all up, Pastor Kelani asked "What do we do in self inflicted battles?"

He advised that;
✓When you make the wrong choices in life...the Bible says choose good, you have only two options, either good or bad
✓Go back to the source 
✓Admit you are wrong 
✓Repent, plead and 
✓ask for mercy of God .
He ended the sermon with an Altar Call which was massively responded to by the congregation while he rounded up with prayer for all. 

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