Nigeria to witness total lunar eclipse tomorrow, May 16 – Centre for Space, Enugu - The State Post


Sunday, May 15, 2022

Nigeria to witness total lunar eclipse tomorrow, May 16 – Centre for Space, Enugu

...the moon 'll become reddish in colour (the Blood Moon)

The Centre for Basic Space Science and Astronomy (CBSSA), Nsukka, Enugu State, has confirmed that the first total lunar eclipse for the year 2022 will take place globally in the early morning hours of Monday, May 16, 2022.

Centre Director, Dr Bonaventure Okere said that the lunar eclipse will be visible from almost all parts of Nigeria, as well as in many other countries of Africa, North and South America, Europe and some parts of Asia.

“States in Southern, as well as the Middle-belt region of Nigeria, will experience scattered cloud and heavy cloud-cover during this period of a total lunar eclipse, with most states in North-east and North-western region of Nigeria having very clear and favourable night sky for lunar eclipse observation.

Okere also noted that the eclipse of the moon for the year 2022 will begin in Nigeria during the early morning of May 16, 2022, at 2:32 AM Nigerian time with a penumbral eclipse, during which the Earth’s penumbra starts touching the moon’s face, and ends with the penumbral eclipse at 07:50 AM, with the moon below the horizon.

He further stated that the eclipse will take place between 2:32 AM and 07:50 AM, with the maximum eclipse occurring at 5:11 AM.

He further stated that the lunar eclipse has remained one of the most interesting astronomical events for sky-watchers globally over the years.

The natural phenomenon according to him occurs “when the earth blocks the sun’s light, which otherwise would have struck and reflected off the moon’s surface.

“When this happens, the short-wavelength light from our planet is scattered/absorbed while the light of longer wavelength (red colour) is refracted around the edges of the atmosphere while falling upon the moon’s surface, thereby turning the moon reddish in colour (the Blood Moon),” Okere said.

He, however, asked Nigerians not to panic over the natural phenomenon “because there is actually no blood on the moon. The reddish colour of the moon is a result of the physical processes that take place within the atmosphere of the moon”

He added: “These processes are akin to the atmospheric scattering and absorption of different colours (short wavelength) of white light from the Sun with the exception of the red colour (long wavelength) during Sunset in our evening sky (which makes the Sun to appear reddish during sunset in the evening sky).

“There are three types of the lunar eclipse in nature: Total, Partial and Penumbral lunar eclipse. However, the most dramatic of them all is the Total Lunar Eclipse, in which the Earth’s shadow completely covers the moon, making the moon appear bright red in the night sky during the time of totality (maximum eclipse). For ages, the total lunar eclipse has inspired awe and/or even creates fear, especially whenever the moon turns blood-red during the time of maximum eclipse. This reddish colour of the moon though harmless terrifies people especially those who have no understanding of what causes it; making some people erroneously blame one particular god or their fellow human being for these natural phenomena which are wrongly regarded as bad omen in some societies.

“Quite unlike the total solar eclipse (Eclipse of the Sun), which requires a special glass (solar filter) for its observation, he further noted that we do not need any special eye shield for lunar eclipse observation. By implication, Nigerians can observe this rare astronomical phenomenon from the comfort of their homes at the right time; given favourable weather conditions at any particular location.”

He maintained that without good/hospitable weather conditions, it will be impossible for Nigerians to observe and appreciate this great gift of nature to mankind within the month of May 2022.

“I pray that the weather will be hospitable at our individual locations for us to perfectly catch a glimpse of this rare astronomical event that nature has to offer on that day,” he said.The 

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